Monday, December 31, 2012

Ryan Edwards Battle Creek with _____ Bookout!

Ryan tweeted this morning: It 37 Degrees I have broke ass knee and iam going to moto!
This tweet was followed up by: Battle Creek with Matt Bookout

Hope you boys have fun! Happy New Years Eve! 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ryan back with ex-girlfriend Kathryn?

We met Kathryn on season 2 episode 8 of Teen Mom. Remember that awkward scene where Maci walked into Ryan's kitchen to pick up Bentley and Kathryn was just sitting there? Ryan didn't introduce them or anything so they just awkwardly stared at each other until Kathryn told Maci that Bentley fell.
Well today Ryan tweeted: "Had soooo much fun with you last night!!!!!" She had no response to the post, however she did favorite it. 

What do y'all think? Now that Ryan is single is he trying to mingle, or just hanging out with old friends?

old photo from when they dated in March 2010

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ryan's ex-girlfriend models Maci's ex-boyfriend's clothing line

Ryan's ex-girlfriend Dalis, models Maci's ex-boyfriend Kyle's clothing line KoldNature!  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The real reason Ryan and Dalis broke up!

Not much has been said on the breakup by either one of them. All that's been said is they are not together anymore. However, recently Dalis took to twitter to expose the real reason they broke up.

She Tweets: "Ohhh man I wish I could say the real reason Ryan & I broke up. Everyone, even his friends would be in shock ;) but I will continue to be the mature one in this situation while he tries to make me look like an idiot. ;) never been so happy & relieved in my life." 

Wonder what it could be. Could Ryan have done something so awful it's unimaginable? Maybe Ryan announced that he still has feelings for Maci. Maybe he cheated, or did something in a very bad manner. Obviously it was a bitter breakup. We may never find out, but I hope they don't try and hurt each others reputations. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Ryan and Dalis have ______!

Ryan and Dalis have been dating since June 23, 2011. The on again off again couple have called it quiets .. again, but this time it seems like it might be over! There are no details on why they broke up, however every chance Ryan gets he tells people they aren't together, and both have deleted all the pictures of them together. Ryan has unfollowed Dalis from twitter, and to make the situation more interesting, he started following his ex-girlfriend and baby's momma Maci on twitter!

Do you think Ryan and Dalis will get back together, or will Ryan get back together with Maci?

Monday, December 10, 2012

R.I.P Kelley

My guardian angel. I miss you so damn much mom. I love being told I look like you. I love you. #RIP
Dalis' mother has been battling stage 3 cancer over the summer. Sadly she has lost the battle. Last weekend was the last time Dalis got to see her.
Thank you SO much to the "Dream Foundation" who heard our story! My brother and I didn't have enough money to go see my mom in her Hospice home in California so the Dream Foundation paid for our plane tickets to go see her this weekend :) this will be our last weekend with her.. and I couldn't be more thankful I get to see her one last time. Love you mom! see you tomorrow!!!

Today Dalis' mother passed a way :( We will be praying for you and your family Dalis. Keep your head up, your mom will be protecting you, and guiding you every step of the way! May she rest in peace.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dalis Gets In Trouble With The Law...

Seems like Dalis has to much on her mind lately. Dalis is going through some tough times, so she is really stressed out. To add to the stress Dalis got pulled over by a cop for speeding.

Dalis Tweeted: Just got pulled over for speeding..the cop saw the new testament in my passenger seat. Ran over my records and said "God's telling me this isn't a good time in your life & I will be praying for you. He will give you strength. Drive safe" and walked ticket, Holy.

God Truly is great! We will be praying for you, your family and you mom Dalis :)

Quality Father, Son Bonding Time!

Ryan has been stepping up his A game in keeping son Bentley entertained on the days he has him with hayrides, elf on the shelf fun, and Christmas decorating! Ryan recently took Bentley to a fall festival, the zoo, Mainx24 (Chattanooga festival), and a Santa parade!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ryan Edwards Girlfriend Dalis Shows Off her Wedding Rings

This weekend Dalis went to California to visit her very ill mother for the last time. During the trip, Dalis' mom gave her these:

My momma wanted me to have her wedding rings :) 
Please Keep Dalis' mother and her family in your prayers. Her mother is battling stage 3 cancer, and things aren't looking good.

Hahahaha my favorite picture of my mom & I.. she made me a dead school girl for halloween in 2nd grade. I look psycho but she looks beautiful :) 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

How Ryan and Dalis Met!

Ever wonder how Ryan and Dalis met? Ryan and Dalis met at a concert in June of 2011, and officially started dating on June 23, 2011!

Below, Ryan and Dalis answer some fans question about how they met, marrige and kids! Check it out: